Ingurumen politika
El reglamento químico de la Unión Europea (UE), REACH (Registro, Evaluación, Autorización y Restricción de Químicos), entró en vigor el 1 de junio de 2007.
Vestel cumplirá con todos los requisitos de REACH y nos comprometemos a proporcionar a nuestros clientes información sobre las sustancias químicas en nuestros productos de acuerdo con la normativa REACH.
Bazkideen oharra: Google, Google Play, YouTube, Android TV eta beste marka batzuk Google LLCren marka komertzialak dira. Google Assistant ez dago erabilgarri hizkuntza eta herrialde jakin batzuetan.
Hobeto zerbitzatzeko, cookieak gure webgunean erabiltzen dira. & Quot sakatuz; onartu cookie guztiak & quot; Botoia, cookieak erabiltzea onartzen duzu gure webgunea erabiltzailearekin bateragarria izan dadin, webgunearen errendimendua hobetuz, erabiltzaileen portaera aztertuz, daturik zuzenean identifikatzen ez baduzu eta publizitate pertsonalizatutako jarduerak eskaintzeko. & lt; a href = &}; {@ homeurl} cookie-politika & quot; & gt; cookieei buruzko informazio zehatza aurki dezakezu gure cookie politikan & lt; / a & gt; Zure lehentasunak beti kudeatu ditzakezu & lt; span class = & quot; cookiemoduleremovePreferences & quot; & gt; Kudeatu cookieak & lt; / span & gt; Atala.
Beharrezko cookieak
Vestel Trade Co.-ek gure webgunean erabilitako cookieak kontrolatu ditzakezu beti. Cookieak erabiltzea onartzen baduzu, zuzenean egin dezakezu & quot; gorde & quot; beheko botoia. Cookieei buruzko informazio zehatza aurki dezakezu gure & lt-n. Estilo = & quot; pantaila: Line; & quot; href = & quot; {@ homeurl} cookie-politika & quot; & gt; cookie politika & lt; / a & gt ;. & lt; br & gt; Teknikoki beharrezko cookieak gure webgunearen funtzio nagusiak egiteko erabili nahi ditugu. Cookie horiek erabiltzea ez da zure baimenaren araberakoa, izan ere, ezinbestekoak dira gure webguneak behar bezala funtziona dezan. & lt; a href =}; {@ homeurl} cookie-politika & quot; & gt; webguneak cookie politikan erabiltzen diren beharrezkoak diren cookieen zerrenda aurki dezakezu. & lt; / a & gt;
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiry |
& lt; p & gt; lehentasunezko cookieak ere ezagunak dira, webguneak zure iraganeko lehentasunak gogoratzeko aukera ematen dutenak dira, hala nola erabilitako hizkuntza edo erabiltzailearen izena eta pasahitza saioa automatikoa eskaintzen dutenak. & lt; / p & gt; & lt; a href = quot; {$ homeurl} cookie-politika & quot; & gt; webguneak cookie politikan erabiltzen diren cookie funtzionalen zerrenda aurki dezakezu. & lt; / a & gt;
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiry |
_ga | Analytics used to distinguish users | 2 years | |
_gid | Analytics used to distinguish users | 1 day |
Cookie hauek bisitak eta trafiko iturriak zenbatzeko aukera ematen digute, gure gunearen errendimendua neurtzeko eta hobetzeko. Lagundu iezaguzu zein diren ezagunenak eta gutxienak diren eta ikusi bisitariak gunearen inguruan nola mugitzen diren. Cookie hauek biltzen diren informazio guztia agregatua da eta, beraz, anonimoa da. Cookie hauek onartzen ez badituzu, ez dugu jakingo noiz bisitatu duzun gure gunea. & Lt; br & gt; & lt; a href =}; {@ homeurl} cookie-politika & quot; & gt; webguneak cookie politikan erabiltzen diren performance cookieen zerrenda aurki dezakezu. & lt; / a & gt;
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiry |
_ga | Used to distinguish users. | 2 years | |
_gid | Used to distinguish users. | 24 hours | |
_gat | Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_. | 1 minute | |
AMP_TOKEN | Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. | 30 seconds to 1 year | |
_gac_ | Contains campaign related information for the user. If you have linked your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts, Google Ads website conversion tags will read this cookie unless you opt-out. Learn more. | 90 days | |
__utma | Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 2 years from set/update | |
__utmt | Used to throttle request rate. | 10 minutes | |
__utmb | Used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 30 mins from set/update | |
__utmc | Not used in ga.js. Set for interoperability with urchin.js. Historically, this cookie operated in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine whether the user was in a new session/visit. | End of browser session | |
__utmz | Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 6 months from set/update | |
__utmv | Used to store visitor-level custom variable data. This cookie is created when a developer uses the _setCustomVar method with a visitor level custom variable. This cookie was also used for the deprecated _setVar method. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 2 years from set/update | |
__utmx | Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment. | 18 months | |
__utmxx | Used to determine the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. | 18 months | |
_gaexp | Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. | Depends on the length of the experiment, but typically 90 days. | |
_opt_awcid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Customer IDs. | 24 hours | |
_opt_awmid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Campaign IDs. | 24 hours | |
_opt_awgid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Ad Group IDs | 24 hours | |
_opt_awkid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Criterion IDs | 24 hours | |
_opt_utmc | Stores the last utm_campaign query parameter. | 24 hours | |
_cf_bm | ZENDESK | This Cloudflare cookie helps manage incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. If interested to learn more, Cloudflare provides further detail about some of their Cookies on the Cloudflare website here:Understanding the Cloudflare Cookies | 30 minutes |
_cfruid | ZENDESK | Cloudflare cookie used in cases were multiple users are hidden behind the same client IP address. Each user will have a unique cookie to help prevent a case of rate limiting all users if one particular user hits the rate limit threshold. | Session |
_cfduid | ZENDESK | Cloudflare cookie used for security restrictions. | 30 days |
_zendesk_shared_session | ZENDESK | Authentication cookie - set to be anonymous | 8 hours Session duration is configurable by the Subscriber using the Session Expiration config in Admin Center > Security Settings. Can be anything from 5 minutes to 2 weeks. Default is 8 hours. |
_zendesk_authenticated | ZENDESK | This is a flag set when a user is authenticated to display the most up to date content. | Session |
_gat | ZENDESK | Google Analytics (when enabled in Guide Settings) allows subscribers to gain insights into the use of their help center. See here to enable or disable these Google Analytics Cookies:Enabling Google Analytics for your Help Center | 1 minute |
_gid | ZENDESK | Google Analytics (when enabled in Guide Settings) allows subscribers to gain insights into the use of their help center. | 1 day |
_ga | ZENDESK | Google Analytics (when enabled in Guide Settings) allows subscribers to gain insights into the use of their help center. | 2 years |
hc:{user_identifier}:recently_ visited_articles | ZENDESK | [LOCAL STORAGE] To help subscribers understand the resources an end-user has attempted in seeking support, this object tracks recently-viewed articles within the help center. This Cookie allows Zendesk customers to identify an end-user's recently-viewed articles. If used exclusively by Subscriber for providing customer support purposes, this could be deemed Essential. | Forever (Local Storage) |
articleVotes | ZENDESK | Article anonymous votes (localStorage or if not available falls back to a session cookie) | Forever (Local Storage)/Session (cookie) |
_help_center_session | ZENDESK | Stores unique session key for Help Center product. | Session |
ob-{public-api-key} | ZENDESK | Connect js snippet | 3 years |
_zendesk_nps_session | ZENDESK | Stores a unique key for a session, for landing page after responding to an NPS survey (if enabled) | Session |
.appUserId | ZENDESK | Stores the appUser ID for the current session Sunshine Conversations Web Messenger will not drop any Cookies until the widget is initiated by the End-User. If you wish to further control these Cookies using a third-party cookie solution, that is supported. | Forever |
.clientId | ZENDESK | Unique identifier of the SDK instance | Forever |
.sessionToken | ZENDESK | Session token to be used to authenticate requests on behalf of an anonymous user. Session tokens are linked to a client ID (see clientId) | Forever |
lsid | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) | Session |
ab_disable_remember_me | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) | Session |
cid | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) Stripe analytics "client ID" used for service improvement | Session |
checkout-test-session / checkout-live-session | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) Used to power Legacy Checkout's Remember Me function | 1 year |
ZD-zE_oauth | ZENDESK | Stores the authentication token once the user has been authenticated. Web Widget offers pre-built API functionality for cookie consent; see here:Web Widget Cookie Permission in Developer Center Alternatively, these Cookies respect external cookie bot functionality as well. | 2 hours |
ZD-settings | ZENDESK | Stores a hash of settings so that we don't keep sending requests to our backend | forever |
ZD-suid | ZENDESK | Session id for Sunshine (if Sunshine functionality is being used) | 20 minutes |
ZD-buid | ZENDESK | Collects Machine ID for use in Sunshine (if Sunshine functionality is being used) | forever |
ZD-store | ZENDESK | Ensures consistent presentation of the Web Widget when an End-User navigates to a new web page. | forever |
__zlcmid | ZENDESK | Store visitor's machine-id for the Chat widget's authentication Chat Widget offers out-of-the-box cookie consent management, see here:Enabling cookie consent for the Chat widget & Web SDK Alternatively, these Chat Cookies respect external cookie bot functionality as well. | 1 year |
__zlcprivacy | ZENDESK | Store visitor's decision on CookieLaw | 1 year |
__zlcstore | ZENDESK | [Local Storage] Store visitor's account settings locally | forever |
zte2095 | ZENDESK | Used to identify the domain/subdomain the Chat Widget is located on. | Session |
AWSALB | ZENDESK | Used to ensure user session remains with the same AWS instance to improve performance and stability. | Session |
AWSALBCORS | ZENDESK | Used to ensure user session remains with the same AWS instance to improve performance and stability. | Session |
JAR | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. These Google reCAPTCHA Cookies (JAR-SSID) apply on Help Center pages if sign-ins are enabled, and with respect to submitting tickets, if enabled. reCAPTCHA for submitting tickets can be disabled within the help center settings if desired. | 30 days |
APISID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
CONSENT | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 20 years |
DV | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | Session |
HSID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
NID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 6 months |
SAPISID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
SID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
SIDCC | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 3 months |
SSID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
_ga | Analytics used to distinguish users | 2 years | |
_gid | Analytics used to distinguish users | 1 day |
Cookie hauek gure webgunearen bidez gure publizitate bazkideek finkatzen dituzte. Enpresa horiek erabil ditzakete zure interesen profila eraikitzeko eta beste gune batzuetan iragarki garrantzitsuak erakusteko. Zure arakatzailea eta gailua identifikatzen duten modu bakarrean funtzionatzen dute. Cookie hauek baimentzen ez badituzu, ez duzu gure publizitate bideratuko webgune desberdinetan webgune desberdinetan biziko. & lt; a href = quot; {@ homeurl} cookie-politika & quot; & gt; webguneak cookie politikan erabiltzen diren cookieen zerrenda aurki dezakezu. & lt; / a & gt;
Name | Provider | Purpose | Expiry |
_ga | Used to distinguish users. | 2 years | |
_gid | Used to distinguish users. | 24 hours | |
_gat | Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_. | 1 minute | |
AMP_TOKEN | Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. | 30 seconds to 1 year | |
_gac_ | Contains campaign related information for the user. If you have linked your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts, Google Ads website conversion tags will read this cookie unless you opt-out. Learn more. | 90 days | |
__utma | Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 2 years from set/update | |
__utmt | Used to throttle request rate. | 10 minutes | |
__utmb | Used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 30 mins from set/update | |
__utmc | Not used in ga.js. Set for interoperability with urchin.js. Historically, this cookie operated in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine whether the user was in a new session/visit. | End of browser session | |
__utmz | Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 6 months from set/update | |
__utmv | Used to store visitor-level custom variable data. This cookie is created when a developer uses the _setCustomVar method with a visitor level custom variable. This cookie was also used for the deprecated _setVar method. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. | 2 years from set/update | |
__utmx | Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment. | 18 months | |
__utmxx | Used to determine the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. | 18 months | |
_gaexp | Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. | Depends on the length of the experiment, but typically 90 days. | |
_opt_awcid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Customer IDs. | 24 hours | |
_opt_awmid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Campaign IDs. | 24 hours | |
_opt_awgid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Ad Group IDs | 24 hours | |
_opt_awkid | Used for campaigns mapped to Google Ads Criterion IDs | 24 hours | |
_opt_utmc | Stores the last utm_campaign query parameter. | 24 hours | |
_cf_bm | ZENDESK | This Cloudflare cookie helps manage incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. If interested to learn more, Cloudflare provides further detail about some of their Cookies on the Cloudflare website here:Understanding the Cloudflare Cookies | 30 minutes |
_cfruid | ZENDESK | Cloudflare cookie used in cases were multiple users are hidden behind the same client IP address. Each user will have a unique cookie to help prevent a case of rate limiting all users if one particular user hits the rate limit threshold. | Session |
_cfduid | ZENDESK | Cloudflare cookie used for security restrictions. | 30 days |
_zendesk_shared_session | ZENDESK | Authentication cookie - set to be anonymous | 8 hours Session duration is configurable by the Subscriber using the Session Expiration config in Admin Center > Security Settings. Can be anything from 5 minutes to 2 weeks. Default is 8 hours. |
_zendesk_authenticated | ZENDESK | This is a flag set when a user is authenticated to display the most up to date content. | Session |
_gat | ZENDESK | Google Analytics (when enabled in Guide Settings) allows subscribers to gain insights into the use of their help center. See here to enable or disable these Google Analytics Cookies:Enabling Google Analytics for your Help Center | 1 minute |
_gid | ZENDESK | Google Analytics (when enabled in Guide Settings) allows subscribers to gain insights into the use of their help center. | 1 day |
_ga | ZENDESK | Google Analytics (when enabled in Guide Settings) allows subscribers to gain insights into the use of their help center. | 2 years |
hc:{user_identifier}:recently_ visited_articles | ZENDESK | [LOCAL STORAGE] To help subscribers understand the resources an end-user has attempted in seeking support, this object tracks recently-viewed articles within the help center. This Cookie allows Zendesk customers to identify an end-user's recently-viewed articles. If used exclusively by Subscriber for providing customer support purposes, this could be deemed Essential. | Forever (Local Storage) |
articleVotes | ZENDESK | Article anonymous votes (localStorage or if not available falls back to a session cookie) | Forever (Local Storage)/Session (cookie) |
_help_center_session | ZENDESK | Stores unique session key for Help Center product. | Session |
ob-{public-api-key} | ZENDESK | Connect js snippet | 3 years |
_zendesk_nps_session | ZENDESK | Stores a unique key for a session, for landing page after responding to an NPS survey (if enabled) | Session |
.appUserId | ZENDESK | Stores the appUser ID for the current session Sunshine Conversations Web Messenger will not drop any Cookies until the widget is initiated by the End-User. If you wish to further control these Cookies using a third-party cookie solution, that is supported. | Forever |
.clientId | ZENDESK | Unique identifier of the SDK instance | Forever |
.sessionToken | ZENDESK | Session token to be used to authenticate requests on behalf of an anonymous user. Session tokens are linked to a client ID (see clientId) | Forever |
lsid | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) | Session |
ab_disable_remember_me | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) | Session |
cid | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) Stripe analytics "client ID" used for service improvement | Session |
checkout-test-session / checkout-live-session | ZENDESK | (From Stripe) Used to power Legacy Checkout's Remember Me function | 1 year |
ZD-zE_oauth | ZENDESK | Stores the authentication token once the user has been authenticated. Web Widget offers pre-built API functionality for cookie consent; see here:Web Widget Cookie Permission in Developer Center Alternatively, these Cookies respect external cookie bot functionality as well. | 2 hours |
ZD-settings | ZENDESK | Stores a hash of settings so that we don't keep sending requests to our backend | forever |
ZD-suid | ZENDESK | Session id for Sunshine (if Sunshine functionality is being used) | 20 minutes |
ZD-buid | ZENDESK | Collects Machine ID for use in Sunshine (if Sunshine functionality is being used) | forever |
ZD-store | ZENDESK | Ensures consistent presentation of the Web Widget when an End-User navigates to a new web page. | forever |
__zlcmid | ZENDESK | Store visitor's machine-id for the Chat widget's authentication Chat Widget offers out-of-the-box cookie consent management, see here:Enabling cookie consent for the Chat widget & Web SDK Alternatively, these Chat Cookies respect external cookie bot functionality as well. | 1 year |
__zlcprivacy | ZENDESK | Store visitor's decision on CookieLaw | 1 year |
__zlcstore | ZENDESK | [Local Storage] Store visitor's account settings locally | forever |
zte2095 | ZENDESK | Used to identify the domain/subdomain the Chat Widget is located on. | Session |
AWSALB | ZENDESK | Used to ensure user session remains with the same AWS instance to improve performance and stability. | Session |
AWSALBCORS | ZENDESK | Used to ensure user session remains with the same AWS instance to improve performance and stability. | Session |
JAR | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. These Google reCAPTCHA Cookies (JAR-SSID) apply on Help Center pages if sign-ins are enabled, and with respect to submitting tickets, if enabled. reCAPTCHA for submitting tickets can be disabled within the help center settings if desired. | 30 days |
APISID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
CONSENT | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 20 years |
DV | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | Session |
HSID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
NID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 6 months |
SAPISID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
SID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
SIDCC | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 3 months |
SSID | ZENDESK | Used to allow human users easy access to Zendesk features, while blocking actions by bots. | 2 years |
_ga | Analytics used to distinguish users | 2 years | |
_gid | Analytics used to distinguish users | 1 day |